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Curwen Primary School

Summer 1 Update

We have had another fantastic half term in Year 2!

A big focus for this half term has been our Standard Attainment Tests (SATs). The children worked tremendously hard in preparation for these and they all tried their absolute best! We are extremely proud of all of them.

But, this term has been about more than just tests. We have had lots of fun learning opportunities, read on to find out more!

In Science, we have been learning about living things, including humans, and their habitats. The term began with a special arrival – eggs! It was so exciting to see the chicks hatching and learn about their life cycle. We also took part in a Now Press Play experience where we imagined we were travelling to another planet. The story helped us to learn about what humans need in order to survive. We learnt new words such as ‘hygiene’, ‘starch’, ‘oxygen’, and afterwards we were able to explain why they are vital to humans.

In Science and PSHE we learnt more about different food types and what makes a healthy, balanced diet. We designed a healthy meal that includes a balance of these different types of foods.


We also had a visitor called Fillip who is a Conservationist. This means that he looks after wildlife. He told us all about his work with seabirds and we learnt lots of facts about puffins, gannets and seagulls and their life stages and habitats. We learnt how the birds and their eggs are camouflaged- their colours help them to blend into their surroundings.

In RE we have been learning about different celebrations and festivals in different religions. We learnt about why certain religions give up food at certain times, such as during Ramadan and Lent. We enjoyed talking about our own experiences and finding similarities and differences.

We are looking forward to our final half term in Year 2, as we have lots more exciting activities coming up, including three trips- remember to check the ‘What We Are Learning’ leaflet for more details!