Summer 1 Update
First of all, I’d like to congratulate all the children in Year 6 for all their hard work and dedication in getting ready for their SATs assessments. They did amazingly well and should be very proud of their achievements. Throughout the last few months they tackled any problems they’ve faced with maturity and a positive outlook.
As well as all the focussed work on reading, maths and SPAG, the children have explored their creative sides in RE, looking at the different ways people express their faith through art.
They have created and performed their own modern-day versions of Christian parables. As well as this, the children have listened to and critiqued a range of musical styles from a variety of religions and explored how these religions use music within celebrations of their faith. Through the use of clay and paint, they created their own contemporary sculptures using religious shapes, symbols and designs for inspiration. Lastly, with a focus on their own identity and belonging, they made stained-glass windows.
Continuing their work on identity and self-awareness, Year 6 pupils also created self-portraits using different forms of drawing. Some chose to explore through pencil and chalk, whilst others used the grid method (made famous by Chuck Close) to produce more abstract interpretations of themselves.