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Curwen Primary School

Spring 2 Update

This term has seen year 5 become victorious carnival champions!!! This is the second year in a row that these pupils have won carnival. They worked exceptionally hard during their PE lessons learning a dance routine and executed it exceptionally well, with great energy on Friday 29th March. They looked amazing in their hand-made costumes, so thank you ever so much for all of those who helped – either by coming into school, or by helping with the sewing at home. International week was great fun and we enjoyed learning some Spanish and Romanian.

Within our science lessons, we have continued to look at materials. This half term we have been looking at how materials change as we heat, burn and mix them. We have conducted some great experiments and made some interesting observations. We also had our science open afternoon where parents came in and worked with their children on investigations. We had a great time and hope you did too!

During maths this half term we have been looking at decimals and how to order them as well as exploring and measuring angles.

Within literacy we have been focusing on reading. We have all been reading extracts from ‘The dairy of a workhouse girl’. We have enjoyed taking part in drama activities and exploring characters through the use of descriptions, zone of relevance and ranking activities. We have also written a short diary extract of our own.