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Curwen Primary School

Spring 2 Update

It has been amazing term in Nursery and we have been so busy and have learnt and grown so much.

Our topic has been Traditional tales, we have re-enacted, read and did activities from many stories such as the Gingerbread man, Goldilocks, The three little pigs and Jack and the beanstalk. We have gained new life skills and developed our language learning new vocabulary and using new mathematical language, such as tall, short, big, medium.

We have made and cooked our own gingerbread men which were delicious!


We planted our own ‘magic’ seed to grow our very own broad bean plant.

Our parent’s stayed and played with us on our Traditional tale open day, where we dressed as our favourite characters.

We of course finished the term in an amazing way, celebrating diversity through International week and participating in a thrilling, colourful carnival parade.

We held our own Easter bonnet parade in Nursery

and ended finally with our trips to the Unicorn theatre to watch the production Polar bears GO GO GO!!

Phew! We really have enjoyed this term and packed so much in, we hope you enjoy your holiday and are looking forward to a busy term in Summer.