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Curwen Primary School

Autumn 2 Update

Within our topic lessons this term we have been continuing to use and develop our knowledge and understanding of ancient Greece. In art we have designed and made Greek pots and masks. We had our parents come to visit us for our Big Outcome where we showcased our work, made and painted pots together and watched 5B’s play about Pandora’s Box – a Greek myth we have been learning about.



In science we have been learning all about the Earth, Space and the Solar System with some great projects being brought in from home! We also went to the Royal Observatory in Greenwich – which was a great experience and helped us to consolidate our learning. We have also had great fun in putting together our Christmas concert.



During maths we have been continuing to work and develop our knowledge of the four operations – addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. We have been refining our written methods so that we can use the column methods and compact methods which help to save us time with our calculations. During November, we also completed some assessments and showed how well we could apply our knowledge.


Literacy has ensured our creative juices have flowed! Combined with our Greek topic, we have re-written Greek myths, updated Greek myths and written our own from scratch. We have ensured many grammar and spelling skills have been included within our writing, and we have also used drama to support and develop our ideas.