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Curwen Primary School

Summer 2 Update

Year 5 have had a jam packed Summer term!

With so much of the curriculum covered and skills developed, we enjoyed delivering consolidation sessions and teaching project based work. In maths we re-taught subjects that the children struggled with such as handling money and reading and calculateing time problems. In Science we started a new topic on habitats and included a pond-dipping trip to West Ham Park. In R.E. the children studied ‘The importance of Muhammad to Muslims’, culminating in a Year 5 Eid Assembly. The children were able to take what they learned from the topic to deliver an excellent assembly whereby each child participated. 5L showcased their art skills through their prayer mat designs, 5KB utilised their drama skills to perform a play about a boy who received a present for Eid, 5KB wrote and performed poetry related to the sacrifices made during Ramadan and 5C shared some amazing facts about Eid.

In literacy we have been focussing on vocabulary building in preparation for next year in Year 6. We have also been looking at idioms and figurative language. We strongly encourage children to continue reading over the summer and take part in the 2018 Summer Reading Challenge. All children signed up to a Newham library (during the Plaistow Library trip) and are encouraged to visit their local library regularly over the summer.

Year 5 have been using their practical skills in Design and Technology, and have been learning how to build moving toys. During a separate Work of Work Week, the children visited London Docklands Museum and were show how to build structures using modern building techniques.

In geography the children were taught map reading skills and how to use ordinance survey maps. They particularly enjoyed the field based learning during the trip to the park for Geography Day.

There were also many other educational visits booked incuded an Enabling Enterprise visit to Stratford, a safari experience at Port Lymphe Zoo, visits to East London Mosque and the residential trip to Spain!