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Curwen Primary School

Summer 1 Update

Well, what a fantastic few weeks we have had in Year 2!

A main focus for these few weeks has been the Standard Attainment Tests (SATs). The children worked extremely hard to prepare and they were AMAZING! Every child tried their absolute hardest  and we are very proud of all of them.

But, it wasn’t all about tests. We’ve enjoyed a half term packed full of exciting learning!

Our current topic is ‘Travelling around the UK’. We have been learning all about our local area, developing and applying our knowledge of 4-figure grid references and directional vocabulary to locate physical and human features in London.

In Science we have been investigating animals and their habitats. The term started with the arrival of some eggs which we watched hatching into chicks! They were with us for 2 weeks and we enjoyed observing their growth and learning about their life cycle. We also went on a trip to West Ham Park to observe living creatures in their habitats. We studied various micro habitats around the park including ponds, log piles and leaf litter, and we spotted crows, magpies, pigeons, tadpoles, centipedes, ducks and newts! We drew and wrote about our observations whilst at the park. We learnt more about how the different living things get food and used this knowledge to draw and write about food chains.

In RE, we have been learning about celebrations in different religions and how some religious groups prepare for special celebrations. We also explored religious groups that ‘fast’ and why they do this. We have been developing our discussion and debating skills during circle time as part of our RE lessons.

In DT our topic is ‘Vehicles’. We have been exploring the suitability of different vehicles to their purposes. We have started designing vehicles that are suitable to be driven on the beach. We are looking forward to next term when we will make and try out our vehicles.

We are looking forward to a fun-filled few weeks before the end of the school year. We have lots of exciting trips coming up, including the Colchester Zoo and Chalkwell Beach. Come back soon to see photos of our completed vehicle models and see what we got up to on our trips!