Spring 2 Update
In maths this term we started learning about negative numbers. We used concrete resources to help us work out addition and subtraction calculations with negative numbers. We started by thinking of -1 as a hole in the ground and 1 as a lump of earth that could fill it in. Once the hole is filled, the ground becomes levelled and this is represented by the 0. We now know that -1 + 1 = 0 and we use it to make fair swaps in order to calculate.
Our Art topic this half-term has been perspective. In our first lesson, we went outside and observed how things start to look smaller when they are placed further away. We then applied this understanding to our artwork by drawing an Egyptian landscape using perspective.
Year 3 had a great day out at the Science Museum. We were real scientists for the day! We got hands with different experiments, allowing us to learn lots about the topic we have been studying, which is magnets and forces.
We were also lucky enough to go to a workshop where we got to learn all about electricity!