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Curwen Primary School

Spring 2 Update 

This term our topic has been 'Traditional Tales' and we have been busy sharing many stories with our children. We shared the story 'The Three Little Pigs' and then discussed the different materials that would be appropriate when building a house. When sharing reasons to why they would choose a material for their house, the children explored many words such as 'strong, weak and transparent'.  


We have been extremely busy preparing for International week, the children in Reception have been exploring India and Bangladesh. They have learnt how to say hello and goodbye in Hindi and Bengali and we have been learning to count numbers in Hindi. We had lots of fun sharing all the information we had learnt during our mini world afternoon.

Reception have been practising their carnival dance and have been listening and moving in time with the music. We had lots of fun and worked as a team. On the day of carnival we dressed up in traditional clothes and t-shirts that we had designed in class to celebrate and dance.