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Curwen Primary School

Spring 1 Update


In Literacy we used our imagination to create a fantasy story about ‘Chocolate Planets’. Look at our tasty treats we created to help us think of lots of ideas for our writing! In RML we read the ‘Gingerbread Man’. We enjoyed interviewing the gingerbread man, he gave us lots of ideas to use in our writing, and even took him home afterwards!

 In Reading we researched Nelson Mandela, Rosa Parks, Emmeline Pankhurst and Mahatma Ghandi, in preparation for our new History topic ‘Significant People’. We presented what we had learnt about each of these people. Come along to our Art exhibition (28th March at 2:15pm) to see us perform and present what we have learnt about ‘Significant People’.







In Maths we really enjoyed using playdough to help us learn about fractions. We worked with our partner to represent the fractions with the playdough and then recorded them pictorially.



In Geography we have been comparing the UK with Ghana, learning to use maps and globes and using directional language to compare locations.


In Science, we have been learning about plants. We planted our own bulbs and seeds and have been observing their growth. We used role play to help us to understand the life cycle of a plant. We enjoyed making models of plants with our families and we have been using them to help us learn about the parts of a plant.