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Curwen Primary School

Spring 1 Update

It has been a busy spring term for the nursery children. We have been doing lots of new things from cooking to interactive story telling.

The children are enjoying visiting the school library, they are able to choose their own book that they want to take home and share with their families. Thank you for reading at home with them. During show and tell the children are becoming confident to talk about their favourite objects that have brought to share with their friends. We recorded a tally chart of their favourite fruit and then enjoyed them together. The children were able to talk about the classes’ most and least favourite fruit.

This term we have been reading lots of Traditional Tales, such as Hansel and Gretel, Jack and the Beanstalk, The Gingerbread Man, Goldilocks and the Three Bears. The children were able act out the story and repeat key vocabulary.

To promote independence and self-care the children have been making porridge and Gingerbread men. They were able to follow instructions to mix and stir the ingredients. The parents received the recipe and cooked this at home; the children have shared these with their class.

To celebrate the children’s learning about traditional tales we had an open day where the children dressed up as their favourite traditional tale character. The parents stayed to join in with the activities, story time, and show and tell as well as visiting the library with their child.

By the end of the term the children were all familiar with the stories being able to recall what happened and sequencing pictures.

The children have developed their listening and attention skills so that they were able to listen to an interactive story through Now Press Play. This involved them visiting the dance studio and following movements and instructions from what they heard.

We have had some new children join us and the other children have welcomed them and been able to make new friends. They are learning to take turns and share toys with their special friends.

Reception visited West Ham Church and they were inspired to make us a church to visit in our playground.  They made key features and were able to show the nursery children around. The children are beginning to talk and recognised similarities and differences between themselves and others.

We have been encouraging the children to start recognising their own names and we would like to thank the parents for contributing with this in the self-registration at the beginning of the sessions. We are using pictures to support this and the children enjoy this sense of ownership.

It has been an eventful and enjoyable term, the children social skills and self-confidence continue to grow and we look forward to working together next half term.

Well done Nursery!