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Curwen Primary School

Spring 1 Update

A short term but we have done so much!!

Parents open maths morning

We had a maths open morning with our parents. We took part in 5 activities and talked about resilience and not giving up when things get harder. The activities we had were, arranging pentominoes, finding totals with money, number facts, tangram pictures and code breaking. We learnt about problem solving, how to write and work out a code! All the activities were challenging and fun!


In Art we have been looking at art during the Tudor times. The children looked at the work of Hans Holbien who painted portraits of Henry the VIII. We also sketched, painted and made sculptures of ourselves. To help us learn more about art in the Tudor times we visited the National Portrait Gallery.


In RE the children have been learning about Hinduism. We visited a Hindu Temple which was amazing. The temple was beautiful with images of stories of the Gods and they explored the puja trays and statues of the Gods.

Press Play Experience

The children have been taking part in drama using the Press Play Experience. It was a very exciting way of acting out a story! Children had headphones and listened to a story which gave them instruction on how to act. They acted out the part of a superhero saving the neighbourhood from crime!