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Curwen Primary School

Autumn 2

We have had a busy and very exciting few weeks at school, here are some of the things we have been up to in Autumn 2…

Trip to Monument and St Paul’s Cathedral

We went a trip to visit Monument, London Bridge, Pudding Lane, and St. Paul’s Cathedral. We learnt how the different places and landmarks linked to the Great Fire of London. Whilst we walked around we imagined what it would have been like in 1666, and talked about how London has changed over time. We loved acting and dressing up and it brought all of our learning to life.
















In Science we have been learning about ‘Electricity’. We have been learning how circuits work so that we can make a working lamp for Marvin the Mouse! We have been using our investigative skills to test out different ways of making circuits and the best way to create a light for Marvin’s house.












Our ‘Great Fire of London’ Showcase

On 6th December we presented and performed to parents and staff to celebrate what we have learnt throughout our ‘Great Fire of London’ topic. We enjoyed performing and talking about everything we had learnt and we loved reading all of the positive comments from the parents who attended.














In Literacy we have been learning to write instructions.

We made jam sandwiches or pizzas and wrote instructions for someone else to follow. Our favourite part was eating the food we had prepared!













We have been learning lots of new things in maths including using column method to calculate tricky addition and subtraction problems. We have been using different methods and resources to solve problems.