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Curwen Primary School

Autumn 2

This term has been very busy, we have been learning lots about different celebrations and our families. We even did an assembly for our parents to come and watch this was very exciting.

Our assembly was all about Guru Nanak. We celebrated his birthday and learnt all about the Sikh religion. In our assembly we discussed Guru Nanak, the 5 K's and also learnt about our different teachers religions. Our Parents could then stay and join in and share our session in Nursery.

We shared our own family photos, talking about who was in our family and what we enjoy doing together. We drew our family and shared these with our friends. We liked listening about one another families and looking at our drawings.

In show and tell we shared our favourite jumpers, hats, shoes, crisps and books. Everyone had lots of different things which they liked best. We modelled our favourite jumpers and shoes. Our friends and teachers asked us questions about our favourite things.

Then it was our First Nativity, we had our Christmas performance to put on. We did this with Reception; it was very special being in the big hall and having so many parents, family and friends coming to watch. We learnt lots of new songs and actions and we even got to make our own costume! This was so much fun!

This first term in Nursery has be fabulous, full of lots of new friends and things to learn. I can’t wait to come back after the holidays and have more fun!