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Curwen Primary School

Spring 1


In Literacy, the children have been focusing on poetry. The theme for this year was HOPE! In our literacy lessons, we’ve been learning about poetry. We started by reading different poems and looking at the features poets use, like stanzas, alliteration, and similes and many more. Then, we identified these features in other poems and discussed why the poet chose them and how they affect the reader. The kids practiced performing their poems, working on speaking clearly and with actions. Finally, we improved our poems by editing and trying out new words using thesaurus to make them even better.



In science this term, children in year 3 have started their new topic which is rock and soils. To help the children get familiar with the different types of rocks, we did an activity where they described the different rocks. This helped them to remember the name of the rocks and gain an understanding of what makes them different.

We then moved on to an experiment where they had to figure out, through different tests, which rocks were the hardest and which were the softest. This involved scratching the rock and rubbing it on paper. Once they recorded their results the children could write a conclusion based on what they found.


In Maths this half-term, the children started learning about angels. First, they explored different types of angles like acute, obtuse and right angles. Then, they created Right Angle munchers and went on a right-angle hunt around the classroom. The children also used their monsters to identify right angles in 2D shapes and sorted them on a Carol Diagram.