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Curwen Primary School

Autumn 2

What an amazing term in Nursery. Our theme this Autumn 2 has been OURSELVES. Children have been learning about what they look like, who is in their family, who is special to them and how we all celebrate special event in our lives. Thanks to all families who have sent photos of a celebration they have had with their child, families and friends. It has been marvellous seeing children get excited about their photo and sharing these; talking about who they celebrate with; what they do; what special clothes they wear and what yummy food they eat.  Children are beginning to develop conversation, often jumping from topic to topic. They are also beginning to remember special times in their own experiences.


Children have settled into the routines and confidently explore learning indoor and outdoor. This half term we have discovered the school library and the librarian Ms Fuller. The children can take a library book home every Tuesday and return it the following week. We are learning how to treat to treat books with respect, turning the pages carefully and responding to the pictures. Children can identify ‘pictures’ and ‘writing’ now. This is supported through our self-registration or recognising their picture and their name

 Families came and enjoyed the children’s first class assembly. We all learnt together about Guru Nanak’s Birthday, Diwali and the Festival of Lights. The children have enjoyed reading the story about Rama and Sita. They have been acting this out using puppets as well as making their own paper diva lamps and puppets of the characters.

    The children enjoy talking about themselves and identifying when it is their birthday, beginning to make reference to numbers of significance. Children are developing counting-like behaviour, counting in everyday contexts like candles on a birthday cake and number rhymes.

Nursery took part in ‘Science Day’ to explore media and materials around them; how important is to keep our teeth clean; how to make bubbles using a straw; how ice feels and looking a pretend volcano.