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Curwen Primary School

Summer 2

Understanding the world and Expressive Arts and Design  

This term, our topic has been ‘Journeys’ and we have enjoyed talking about the journeys we have been to and the vehicles we can use to go to our favourite destinations. We looked after our caterpillars and after spending two weeks in their cocoons, they became butterflies! We released them and we used our imagination to think about what journey they are going to next. We went to Hertfordshire Zoo to look at different animals and talk about what they eat and where they live. The end of term was very exciting for us as we are getting ready to go to Year one and we started to explore the KS1 playground.



This term, we have been using our communication skills to listen and talk about the different ways we can travel and the journeys we have been on. We have also been writing about our experiences, such as visiting the zoo and watching caterpillars transform into butterflies. It has been helpful to listen to our significant person’s journey and find out how Steve Backshall travels the world to explore different animals. In addition, we have been revisiting our guided reading skills such as questioning, inference, and humour.


In maths this term, we have been busy exploring different topics. First, we have been learning to share amounts equally. This helped us find half of a number, half of a shape and solve maths stories that included halves and whole numbers. We learnt that we needed to glue all the pieces together before counting the final amount. We have been doing so well with our counting that we have started counting beyond 20.