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Curwen Primary School

Summer 1

During the summer term the children have been learning all about Growing. They have been learning about how things change using new vocabulary such as growing, age, change, same, different, big and small, little and tall. The children have been learning about growing and things changing through stories such as The Enormous turnip, Dora’s Eggs and The Hungry Caterpillar. We asked for the families to share baby photos of their child so that we could talk about how they have changed. The children planted a bean and have been watching this grow at home. The children are growing in their own communication skills with the adults and friends around them.

Through our stories the children have been learning to sequence what happens next and talk about what they can see. Identifying who and where in the stories. The enjoy story time every day and like using actions and nursery rhymes linking to the story. The children had some special visitors that they learnt all about the chick and the life cycle.

We have introduced the children to the number of the week and using Nursery rhymes to encourage their number understanding. They are beginning to use some number names and recite in order and have been able to share this with the parents through their homework. It has been an exciting term for the children and they have too been thriving in their own development. We ended the term with an outing to the local park with all our friends from Nursery. It was so much fun!