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Curwen Primary School

Science Open Afternoon for Parents 2023-24

It was great to see so many parents back in school, following on from the success of last year’s science afternoon.
The school was a hive of activity with children using their working scientific skills and enjoying showing their parents what they knew and what they could do.
There was a variety of fun and creative tasks happening: in nursery, there were volcanic explosions and, in Reception, they explored icy dinosaurs. In year 1, children were considering materials to make a floating boat and in year 2, they were focusing on properties of materials to make a birdhouse. In year 3, children were exploring suitable nutrients for an athlete and made  healthy wraps using the information they had researched. Year 4 and 6 were doing various tests with electrical circuits and year 5 demonstrated scientific space models to understand what it would be like on other planets.
Thank you once again to all the staff, children and parents that made the afternoon a success!

Some feedback from parents:
“Wow, so impressive to see how much they have learnt and retained and were able to answer questions with so much confidence.”
“Lovely to see all the children enjoying taking part with all the different experiments and watching the outcomes. Well done.”
“Was great to have an insight into what the children have been learning. I appreciate that an opportunity to speak was given to all children.”
“…seeing kids beaming in what they do…”
“The kids’ excitement and energy is contagious.”

Some feedback from children:
“We used lots of science skills including, asking questions, predicting, investigating and making conclusions.”
“Science is my favourite subject.”
“The afternoon was fun.”
“I loved it.”

If you want to know more about working scientifically and investigating science, have a look here:
What is Working Scientifically?
Scientific enquiry – observing changes, finding patterns, grouping and classifying, fair testing and researching using secondary sources
Drawing conclusions based on data and observations
Using evidence to justify ideas
Using scientific knowledge to explain findings

Please find more information about science investigations for children on this linked document, which you can also find on the school website: