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Curwen Primary School

Spring 2


During Literacy, we have continued to read a whole class text, where we have linked our skimming and scanning skills and inference skills using the A.P.E writing format (Answer, Proof, Explain). This has helped us gain a deeper understanding of the books we are reading and the characters' feelings throughout. We linked this to the Curwen Core Skill of empathy. We have also looked at identifying prepositions and determiners and how they affect our writing. We also celebrated World Book Day where we got to share the books we love to read at home!


This term for our geography topic, we have been carrying out fieldwork. The children went to Battersea Park to carry out a comparison of Newham and Chelsea. Before carrying out the fieldwork, we looked at data and research about the two areas. This included levels of pollution and greenery. During the field trip, we made our own conclusions about the area, rating the levels of cleanliness, greenery and other aspects. In geography lessons we then discussed how our findings compared with the research and presented the information we gathered. We also made observations about the river Thames on our fieldwork trip, to introduce our new  topic on rivers.