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Curwen Primary School

Autumn 2

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For literacy this half term, students have started to practise their reading skill, inference. The children have discussed the importance of being able to make appropriate inference. They have learnt how to detect the unspoken hidden meanings that enrich overall understanding of a text and to draw own personal conclusion depending on their prior experiences.  

In addition to making inferences, the children in year 3 have also completed a mystery story using direct speeches, similes and variety of punctuations. This was the first time when they acted out a mystery and worked together to find the culprit. Though it was a challenge, the children all strove for success and completed something they can be proud of.


In maths this term, the children have been learning about fractions. To begin with, they discussed what a fraction is from what they recalled from year 2 and then used shapes to show fractions. This was done by folding the circle in half to show halves and the square in quarters to show quarters.

This visual representation really helped to cement their understanding that a fraction is part of a whole. It also helped them to see that two halves make a whole and that four quarters make a whole.


The children have really enjoyed learning about fractions especially when we cut up pizza slices on pictures and used them to describe different fractions.