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Curwen Primary School

Summer 1


In Geography we enjoyed learning about tectonic plates and mountain formations. We learnt about different types of tectonic plate movement and how they can result in volcanoes and earthquakes. We also developed our map reading skills using 6 figure grid references. 

Our RE topic is Arts and Religion this term and we have been exploring how people use art to express and communicate their faith. We visited a local church to look at the symbolism in the stained glass windows. This inspired us to produce our own stained glass style artwork expressing our ideas and beliefs.


In Literacy we have been developing our editing skills, revisiting a range of texts we produced earlier in the school year. We have been striving for success to ensure our writing portfolios are as outstanding as they can possibly be. We have been using reflection and communication skills when peer assessing each other’s work.


In Maths the children have worked extremely hard in the lead up to SATs in order to demonstrate all that we have learnt during our time at Primary School. The children showed amazing resilience in all of their papers and we are very proud of them all.

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