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Curwen Primary School

Summer 1


In RE this term we learned about Hinduism. We were able to label all the parts of a puja tray; which Hindus use to worship. We also performed an assembly for our parents and told them all about the trimurti (the three main forms of god) and how Hindus celebrate Diwali, the festival of light. We even worked as a team and sang them a wonderful song!



In literacy we have been learning about the story of Little Red Riding Hood. We first used role play and colourful stories to recall the story in order. We then practiced writing sentences that included capital letters, full stops, question marks and some exclamation marks. We were even able to use suffixes in our writing.



In maths we have been learning about measure. We learnt how to use a ruler to measure accurately and compared lengths. We discussed the importance of it in real life. We need to measure when building, buying clothes, cooking and many other reasons! We compared different measures and ordered objects according to their sizes. We also organised our friends in height order which was a challenge as some of us are very similar in height!

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