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Curwen Primary School

Summer 1

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Understanding the world and Expressive Arts and Design



This term, our topic is ‘Growth’ and we have thoroughly enjoyed talking and sharing what we have learnt about living things, ourselves and decay. We have used our listening and communication skills to learn about the life cycles of plants, animals and the human cycle. We have developed our writing skills and used our sounds to write about the life cycles of the ducks we had at school. We have enjoyed several fiction and non-fiction books based on our topic and the King Charles’ Coronation. For the King’s coronation we made sandwiches and had a celebration in the garden. Our trip this term was to Plaistow Park, where we had a fun-filled session look at plants and other living things in the park.


Communication, Language and Literacy


We have been using our literacy skills in a variety of ways to help explore and record our knowledge of Growth. From writing initial sounds and sentences of life cycles to exploring keywords in how plants grow. We have been practising our reading skills of sequencing, recalling and predicting during reading time and discussing what we know. In phonics, we have been developing and consolidating our blending skills to help us explore a range of books and even write about them.



This term we’ve been busy learning about teen numbers, and recapping addition and subtraction maths stories, ensuring we remember the symbols and actions when we act them out and when we write them. We have also been using our number formation skills to practise writing mixed maths stories. We also explored number bonds to 5 and 10, and we learnt that these are two numbers which we add together to total 5 or 10. We also learnt about the concept of “halving”, whereby on Coronation Day, we made delicious cress sandwiches and we used our skills to cut our sandwiches into halves- they were tasty!