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Curwen Primary School

Spring 2



This term in Geography, we have been having discussions and locating the continents and oceans on a world map and globe. We also had the opportunity to sort the physical and human features in Ghana and make comparisons to the UK. We thoroughly enjoyed our African drumming workshop and were able to perform this in front of our parents/carers and listened to traditional Ghanaian music.



In Maths, we have continued to develop our teamwork and communication skills through exploring measurements for capacity, mass and reading scales with different increments. We have also been learning about positional and directional language. We worked as a team to give our partners directions to travel from one area to another.


In Literacy, we have continued to develop our writing skills and most recently wrote a persuasive leaflet on why people should visit Ghana. We worked as a team to read a range of leaflets to use as examples. We ensured we used persuasive language, questions, exclamation marks and commands to persuade our audience to visit Ghana.


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