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Curwen Primary School

Summer Update

Colchester Zoo, Epping Foret & Summer Concert

Well, what a fantastic year we have had in Year 2!

The main focus for the beginning of the term was the Standard Attainment Tests (SATs). The children worked tremendously hard in preparation for these and they were AMAZING! Every child did their absolute best and we are extremely proud of all of them.

But, it wasn’t all about tests. We’ve enjoyed a term packed full of exciting learning…

Travelling around the UK was our Topic focus this term. We’ve been learning all about our local area, developing and applying our knowledge of 4-figure grid references and directional vocabulary to locate physical and human features in London. We have also been exploring different environments in our local area, enjoying two field trips – Chalkwell Beach and Epping Forest. The latter was the focus for our Geography Challenge Day. Children conducted a plant survey, where they created a tally of trees and other plants along their route around Holly Walk. They also did some bark rubbings of different tree species and collected fallen leaves and other items. These were used back in class to create a book detailing the results of their plant survey and a description of the British woodland environment.

In Science, we have been investigating animals and their habitats. The term began with a special arrival – eggs! It was thrilling to see the baby chicks hatching and learn about their life cycle. Later in the term we learnt all about food webs. Did you know that removing one producer or consumer from an ecosystem can have a drastic effect on the food web? Ask your child to tell you about it! Our Science topic culminated with a trip to Colchester Zoo, where we looked at animals from around the world and learnt about their natural habitats. Some children even had the opportunity to feed elephants. It was an unforgettable experience!

In RE, we have been learning about celebrations in different religions and how some religious groups prepare for special celebrations. For example, we learnt all about Easter and the Lent preparations leading up to the festival. We also explored religious groups that ‘fast’ and why they do this, like Muslims.

The KS1 Summer Concert was a particular highlight of the term, with the theme of ‘Travelling around the UK’. We were treated to fabulous solo piano performances by two of our pupils. All children were in fine singing voice and performed some new songs and some old classics. ‘Summer Holiday’ was a particular hit!

Our final educational visit of the year was to Thorndon Country Park in Essex, where we followed the ‘Gruffalo Trail’. Children followed a map to locate the characters in the story, did some observational drawings and created their own outdoor Gruffalo play. What a fantastic way to end the year!