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Curwen Primary School

Spring 1

Topic (History)

This term our topic is ‘People who Fought for our Rights’ and we have been learning about some significant people such as Nelson Mandela, Florence Nightingale, Rosa Parks, Gandhi, Emmeline Pankhurst and Mary Seacole. We used ‘Now Press Play’ to develop our listening and drama skills to act out being Florence and how hard she worked being a nurse. We ensured we used our ‘Curwen Core skills’ such as teamwork, empathy and communication to discuss our opinions.

We have developed our history skills including ordering events chronologically on a timeline and using sources of information to find out about the past. We have thoroughly enjoyed learning facts, watching videos and sharing our thoughts.


In Literacy, we have continued to develop our writing skills through writing a diary entry imagining we were Nelson Mandela. We used role play to imagine how he felt when he was put into prison and used emotive language to describe how he may have felt. We demonstrated resilience and strived for success through ensuring that we used a range of adjectives, conjunctions, exclamations and questions to vary our writing.



This term one of the topics we have explored is ‘Money’ we have looked at a range of coins and spoke about the value. We used our imagination and set up a shop where we have some shoppers and shopkeepers. We developed our resilience and chose what coins we would need if we wanted to purchase an item for a certain value. We will continue to explore money in school but also at home with our families!


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