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Curwen Primary School

Autumn 2

The Stone Age workshop has become an annual staple at Curwen.  The children found it exciting, enlightening and educational. For one day, history lessons were brought to life during this workshop, where children learnt about changes in Britain from the Stone Age to the Iron Age. All four classes were exposed to information, which started with early hunter-gatherers and extended to early farming communities.




The Stone Age workshop has become an annual staple at Curwen.  The children found it exciting, enlightening and educational. For one day, history lessons were brought to life during this workshop, where children learnt about changes in Britain from the Stone Age to the Iron Age. All four classes were exposed to information, which started with early hunter-gatherers and extended to early farming communities.


In the Autumn term, each Year 3 class has enjoyed reading two different texts from authors such as Roald Dahl and Ted Hughes.  Using these texts, children have been developing not only their reading skills, but also their prediction, inference and comprehension skills.  Towards the end of the term, we returned to the subject of food for a very different piece of writing - a mystery story.  Pupils used the task as an opportunity to include grammatical features such as direct speech, language devices and conjunctions.    Over several weeks, the students worked hard to draft and edit a thrilling tale about some stolen cupcakes…would you believe that Miss Hristova was the culprit!  Luckily their stories had a happy ending and Miss Hristova has been forgiven by the kind students of Year 3!


In Maths we have been learning all about multiplication and division! We have learnt how to solve one-step word problems, by calculating the answers using concrete objects, pictorial representations and arrays. Through grouping and sharing small quantities children are beginning to understand the different ways of solving division word problems. We have also been practising counting in various steps to help children learn their times tables. This will continue to be a focus throughout the whole year.