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Curwen Primary School

Autumn 2



This half term we were super excited to share our learning about ‘The Great Fire of London’ in our Big Outcome in class. We presented what we have learnt through Drama, Art and Music and continued to develop our Curwen core skills. These were through demonstrating great teamwork, excellent communication skills and showing resilience. We would like to take the opportunity to thank you all for joining our performance, the children were extremely proud to showcase their learning!

We finished off our topic ‘The Great Fire of London’ by burning some of the houses we made in the fire pit! We saw for ourselves how the houses being so close together helped the fire spread quickly and used a wide range of vocabulary to describe using our senses.




In Literacy, we continued to develop our writing and grammar skills through writing a descriptive piece of writing about ‘The Great Fire of London.’ To ensure we made our writing more interesting, we worked on using expanded noun phrases and emotive language to write about the scene of the fire through Samuel Pepys’ window! We all went out to observe a real fire in the fire pit, which gave us lots of ideas to use in our writing. We learnt some new words such as ‘glowing’, ‘ash’, ‘embers’ which we used to describe the setting of the fire in 1666.

















In Maths, recently we have been learning how to multiply and divide. We have been exploring different representations of multiplication, including with cups, counters, bead strings and coins. We have explored division through using concrete, pictorial and abstract to ensure we either group or share when dividing.



In our Electricity topic, we have explored circuits and how they work. We tried out different components in circuits and learnt the symbols for bulb, switch and batteries. We investigated conductors within circuits to see which materials allowed electricity to pass through them. Here we are acting out how electricity flows through a circuit!

We also had our ‘World of work week’ where we explored the job of a scientist, we had an opportunity to carry out a water filter experiment with our peers at West Ham Park.