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Curwen Primary School

Summer Update

Animals, Ark Farm, Sports Day and Messy Play

This summer has been jammed packed full of lots of learning and fun activities. We have been learning all about different animals and where they live. The Nursery children have also been getting ready to go to Reception in September 2017.


The children talked about different animals we might have at home as pets and animals we might find at the farm, jungle and under the sea. The children in Nursery took care of Jem the rabbit, Peanut and Butter the guinea pigs and Bubbles the goldfish. They enjoyed cleaning them out, feeding and stroking them.  We have observing animals closely to then draw our favourite animals using different mark making resources.

Ark Farm

During family week we had a visit from Ark farm, they had lots of farm animals with them that we had been talking about.  We got to stroke the dog, the duck and see the pig splash in the water!

Sports Day

At Sports day we did lots of active exercises and games.  All the P.E staff helped us learn new skills and our family got to join in. We did running races, obstacle course, bean bag balancing, parachute and dancing. This was a hot day but at the end we got a medal and lots of stickers for taking part!

Messy Play

To end the week we had a messy play afternoon, this was the best day yet! The nursery children joined Reception to have an extremely messy afternoon with lots of sensory and messy activities. The children got to explore both nursery and reception environments, meet new friends and try different messy activities they had never seen before. The children, parents and the staff thoroughly enjoyed the afternoon.

This has been an amazing term and a great year!  To view more images of the event please select this link.