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Curwen Primary School

Autumn Update

This term our new school council was elected during the school’s democracy week. It’s been amazing being able to have face to face meetings again.

The children got straight to work and put together their action plan for the year:


Kindness Week 15th-19th November

The 15th to the 19th November is Anti-Bullying Week across the country. At Curwen we believe the best way to beat bullying is through kindness so we rebranded the week. The School Council organised a range of amazing activities in the playground to help spread kindness across the whole school. Take a look at what we got up to below…

Rock Painting

We painted rocks with one kind word or picture. Altogether we painted over a thousand rocks! Here are just a few of our favourites.

Kindness Cards

We made kindness cards with a positive message for someone in our lives…

Kindness Hunt

We hid kind messages across the playground for children to find. There were seven altogether and the first letter of each spelt out RESPECT. We also asked parents and carers to look out for them with on the way to school.

Messages of Kindness

We recorded children sharing kind messages for themselves or for others and played them in class and in the playground across the week. It was great to hear so many uplifting messages!

In December Mrs Mansfield worked with the School Council to update the school’s Anti-Bullying policy. The policy now has more focus on the responsibilities of the bystander. It also reflects the schools positive approach to relationships which was celebrated during Kindness Week.

After the holidays it will be presented to the school governors for approval.