Summer 1

Understanding the world and Expressive Arts and Design
This term, our topic is ‘Growth’ and we have thoroughly enjoyed talking and sharing what we have learnt about living things, ourselves and decay. We have used our listening and communication skills to learn about the life cycles of plants, animals and the human cycle. We have developed our writing skills and used our sounds to write about what we observed when carrying out an experiment on bread decaying. We have enjoyed several fiction and non-fiction books based on our topic. As a result, for our big outcome this term, we will be creating our own book on all the things we have learnt about growing; this will be shared with our parents/carers during parent mornings at school. Our trip this term was to West Ham Park, where we had a fun-filled session with Mr Cullen at forest school!
Communication, Language and Literacy
This term, we have been busy using all our writing skills to write about all the things we have learnt during our topic, which is 'Growth.' We got to visit the ducklings in school and used this experience to help us to write about the life cycle of a duck. During 'Reading Time', we read the book called 'How things grow'; we learnt how to predict the story's end and wrote our prediction. In addition, we strive for success while writing a conclusion for the science investigation we did on 'What causes bread to decay faster.
For maths this term, we have been busy exploring different topics. We have been exploring 2D and 3D shapes in our environment. We have also been learning about the different properties and how to use shapes to create different sequences of patterns. We also continued our learning on subtraction and practising how to write maths stories independently, using our actions to remind us. We explored two-digit numbers using concrete objects to show this, such as using numicons. Furthermore, we have started to practise how to write these numbers, using our number formation song to remind us.