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Curwen Primary School

Spring 2

Spring 2 our theme is People Who Help Us; we have been really busy with a visit to the local library, a theatre company came to school, we celebrated World book Day and every Wednesday we enjoyed Show and Tell.

Children continue developing positive attitudes about the differences between people and are showing an interest in different occupations and people who help us every day. They explored different areas at Curwen Primary school and learnt about different jobs at school. Children questioned them confidently: What is your name? What is your job? What are you doing now?

We visited the librarian, teachers in KS2, the care takers, the office staff and the cook in the school kitchen. Lisa, the cook baked a delicious cake for Nursery; thank you Lisa!

The children have learnt about doctors and medical staff, firefighters, police officers and people who help us in the community.  They have been identifying objects which different jobs need to help them such us a stethoscope for doctors, a hose for the fire fighter to put out fires or tools for the builders. They have also learnt what vehicles they drive, the noise they make and how to identify them using colours. Children understand how to look after themselves and others, whilst acting out being a doctor. We are all talking to one another and working as a team!

Thursday 3rd March Curwen celebrated World Book Day. Children and teachers wore pyjamas and had a fantastic time listening and reading some of our favourite stories while dinking hot chocolate with cream and marshmallows. Families helped to dress a potato as a character from a book too.

It has been a busy term for the Nursery children and we can’t wait for what the summer term brings.

Families were invited to visit the local library and get the library card so we can borrow lots of different books. The children are familiar with the local environment and were able to follow directions as we all navigate the streets. In the library everyone was very quiet and we could listen to the story and activities that the librarian had prepared for us. Children are beginning to understand other’s needs.