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Curwen Primary School

Spring 1

Topic (History)

Our topic this half term has been ‘People who Fought for our Rights’. We have been learning about some significant people such as Nelson Mandela, Rosa Parks, Gandhi, Emmeline Pankhurst and Mary Seacole. We used drama to imagine how they might have felt and why they acted the way they did. We have developed our history skills including ordering events chronologically and using sources of information to find out about the past. We completed our own research projects at home and presented these to each other using our excellent communication skills.


In Literacy we enjoyed using our learning in Topic to write a diary entry imagining we were Nelson Mandela. We used role play to imagine how he felt when he was put into prison. We used adjectives, conjunctions, exclamations and questions to add detail and vary our writing. We really strived for success (one of our core skills!) and our final writing outcomes were incredible. Here is an example from Amara in 2W.


This term one of our favourite maths topics was 2D and 3D Shapes. We applied our knowledge of shapes and their properties by sorting using a venn diagram or a carroll diagram. We demonstrated good team work and communication skills when working in a group. Using the correct maths vocabulary, we described properties of shapes and spotted examples of the shapes within the environment.