Autumn 1
This term, Year 6 have been learning all about the Elizabethan Era, including the life, times and plays of William Shakespeare. The also arranged events on a timeline and talked about how the history they have studied previously fits in with the Elizabethan Era. The children were given the opportunity to create their own websites about Queen Elizabeth to consolidate their knowledge. In Science, they explored the anatomy of the heart and how the circulatory system works. In computing, the pupils have been consolidating their knowledge of G-suite (google docs, slides, sites, sheets) and using their skills to create a presentation about Autumn 1’s significant person – Sergei Prokofiev.
At the start of the autumn term, Year 6 visited the Southbank to conduct research for non-chronological reports, which they wrote about one of London’s favourite hotspots. As well as writing informative, engaging and persuasive pieces of writing, they were able to articulate their learning to their peers. The children have used a range of reading skills this term, such as: skimming and scanning, fact and opinion and sequencing, in order to improve their comprehension. The children have read a range of Shakespeare plays and compared them to each other.
The main focus this term has been the properties of number. This has included work on factors, multiples, prime numbers, prime factors and square numbers. They have completed lots of work refining their knowledge of the 4 main operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Problem solving and challenge remain a focus for our children, ensuring they are always given the opportunity to build their resilience and confidence in maths.