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Curwen Primary School

Summer 1

Summer 1 has been an extremely quick term full of lots of learning for the children.

Our topic has been Growing and How Things Change, the children have been learning all about things that grow, how they change and what they need to help them grow. The children have been introduced to different life cycles, developing an understanding of change over time, growth and decay.


They have gained new skills such as looking after animals and developed their own language, learning new vocabulary such as hatch, incubator, egg and life cycle.

Outside, children have planted 3 potatoes, broccoli and carrots and learning they need coil, sunlight and water to grow healthy and some of them very tall.  


Children have learnt that anything can be counted, steps, claps, jumps even duck eggs! They were really busy finding the same number.

We made our very own binoculars and incorporated the story ‘We’re going on a bear hunt’. The children were able to follow directions, learn new language and use new use positional language such as over, under, through and around.

We all have a fantastic time in our Eid Celebration Picnic; we wished Eid Mubarak to all our friends that celebrate it.

We are beginning to recognise and talk special times for our family and friends; learning that we have similarities and differences that connect us to each other.

We look forward to next term and learning and experiencing all new, different things!