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Curwen Primary School

Autumn 2

This Autumn 2, the nursery children are now happy with the routines and have started building strong friendships. We are still welcoming new children into Nursery every day.

For our topic this term, we are learning about music and movement- In the groove. We have a small Curwen band; the children have been exploring instruments by banging, strumming, shaking and singing.

Our PE Lessons on Friday are helping us to develop our awareness of our bodies, space and others. We love Ms McGarve!  During the lesson, we are improving our listening skills and following instructions.

We have the balance bikes outside; the children keep trying, showing determination and resilience in their play.

The weather is getting colder and some children chose to help plant some daffodils, do you know that daffodils like the cold?

We look forward to seeing these flowers in the Spring, just like we look forward to all that we learn and share next term in Nursery!