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Curwen Primary School

Autumn 2


This term has been a busy one for our Reception children. In topic, we have been learning about Celebrations and how all the people in the world have different traditions as well as our own traditions and celebrations. We read the stories of Guy Fawkes, Rama and Sita and the Nativity to link with the 5th November, Diwali and Christmas celebrations. We explored different instruments to mimic the sound of the firework that light up the sky during these special times of the year. The children are looking forward to welcoming some special visitors that will come to school in the last weeks of term who will be the cherry on the cake for a perfect first term in Reception.


In Maths, we have strengthened our knowledge and understanding of addition through acting out, reading and writing sums, which we refer to as ‘maths stories.’ The children are now able to recognise key mathematical symbols and use vocabulary such as ‘add’, ‘more’, ‘count’ and ‘equals.’ We have applied our knowledge to a number of real life contexts and used a range of objects including cups, rubber animals, pennies and fruit to calculate the answer to these sums. Reception have also enhanced their ability to identify, name and describe the properties of 2d shapes and particularly enjoyed going on a shape hunt!


In Literacy, we listened to a range of stories based on our topic ‘Celebrations’. We learnt how different people celebrate and we all shared how we are celebrating with our families. In writing, we used our sounds to write different party lists. We showed great focus and resilience.