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Curwen Primary School

Autumn 2


In literacy, we have been learning to summarise and sequence events from a story. In this lesson, we sequenced events in a story through role play. We had to know which chapter each group were performing, and as a whole class, we sequenced the whole story from start to finish!  We have been learning about inverted commas and how to apply them to our writing to show when a character is speaking.


In maths, we have been using concrete resources to help us solve division problems and find the inverse multiplication story. We then moved on to using the bus stop method to help us calculate division maths stories with bigger numbers and remainders. As well as division, we have been learning about fractions, including; adding and subtracting fractions, converting improper fractions to mixed numbers and recognising equivalent fractions.

Topic- Who am I?

In science, we explored how our bodies work, including the digestive system and circularity system. We made a 3D model of the various parts of our body that make up the systems and described each of their functions. As part of the topic we also researched how London has changed over the last 100 years in our history lessons. We then predicted how east London may continue to change in the future.