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Curwen Primary School

Autumn 2


We were very excited to learn lots of facts about our topic, the Great Fire of London. We developed our History skills such as analysing sources information and comparing past and present. We even took part in a webinar where some curators from the Museum of London showed us artefacts from the Great Fire of London and answered some of our questions. We created art work to represent what we have learnt. Here we are creating our fantastic models that show what the houses were like in 1666!


We have been developing our investigation skills in Science. We worked with our partner to explore how to create a simple circuit and learnt the proper scientific terms to explain how it works. We also investigated which materials conduct electricity. We were super excited when we managed to make the bulb light up!


In Maths we have been learning about fractions. We explored lots of different representations including fractions of shapes, objects and quantities, as well as using part-whole models to represent fractions.


We wrote non-chronological reports about the Great Fire of London, using all the knowledge we have gained through our History topic. We focussed on organising our ideas into paragraphs and using subheadings. We varied our sentences, using some questions and exclamations as well as statements.