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Curwen Primary School

Autumn 1

The Nursery children have been settling back into the Nursery routines with their new friends joining them along the way. The Nursery children are becoming familiar with their teachers and the environment. They have been learning songs and rhymes they can sing together. Our topic this term is ‘Who am I?’ and the children have been finding out about themselves, exploring things they like and dislike as well as making new relationships.

In Nursery we like reading and mark making. We have begun to visit the library every week to take a book home to read with our families. The children are beginning to explore new activities, resources and finding ways to how to use these. They are developing their confidence to choose their own activities.

The Nursery children know where their peg is and we are encouraging them to wash their hands. They like exploring new materials and what they can do with these. The children are curious and excited to be at Nursery.