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Curwen Primary School

Spring Update

What we have learnt in Nursery in the Spring Term so far

We learnt all about ‘Traditional Tales’ and read lots of different stories.  We talked about the people and places in the story.

The story started ‘Once upon a time’ and finished ‘The End’.

We read Handa’s Surprise, Handa went for a walk to see her friend and wanted to take her some delicious fruits. We explored and tasted these fruits, talking about how they felt, smelt and tasty. They were scrumptious.

 Then, we acted out the story of ‘The Three Little Pigs’. We changed our voices for the big bad wolf and pretended to blow down the pigs houses. We explored the different materials each house was made of.

The next week, we learnt the story about ‘The Gingerbread Man’. The fox was sneaky and SNAPPED the Gingerbread Man and gobbled him all up.   













The play dough was squashed and squished and rolled out to make the different characters in the story. 

We made our own Gingerbread Men using the ingredients, a rolling pin and the hot, hot oven.