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Curwen Primary School

Autumn update

Great Fire of London, St Paul's Cathedral and the London Symphony Orchestra

What an exciting start to Year 2 we have had. We have been learning lots of interesting facts about our regional history, by investigating the events surrounding Great Fire of London. Our exploration included a city walk from London Bridge, via the Monument, to St. Paul’s Cathedral. We had lots of opportunities to do observational drawings and saw lots of interesting places along the route, including the monument to the people involved in the Great Fire, the place where the fire began – Pudding lane – and St. Paul’s Cathedral. Did you know that the original St. Paul’s was destroyed in the fire? The building we see today was designed by Sir Christopher Wren. Ask the children to tell you all about the events!

Alongside our investigative skills, we have also been very creative! In Art, we made 2D and 3D collages of the Great Fire of London, in the style of Henri Matisse. We were also very creative in our Drama session where we worked together as a class to devise a series of tableau to retell the story of the Great Fire.

It’s not all been about history though! In Science, we’ve been learning lots of interesting facts about materials and their characteristics, and learning lots of new vocabulary, like transparent, waterproof and insulate. We used our knowledge of materials and creative skills to design a house for mouse, using only recycled materials. Literacy and RML lessons have given us lots of opportunities to read a variety of books and learn about writing non-chronological reports, poetry, diaries and descriptive narratives. Whereas in Maths, we have been developing our understanding of arithmetic, geometry, data and measure, and reasoning skills. We also enjoyed a trip to The Barbican to see the London Symphony Orchestra perform ‘Click, Clack, Moo!’, a KS1 concert. It was amazing to see all of the instruments playing together at the same time. We loved singing the songs!

What an exciting term we have had so far…and it’s not over yet! Come along to our class assemblies to see our Great Fire of London showcase later this month and our KS1 Concert in December. Definitely two performances not to be missed!