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Curwen Primary School

Introduction to Spanish trip

What Parents and Students need to know.

Where are we going?

Cuellar, Spain

When are we going?

Dates to be confirmed


  • Drive students towards acceptance and understanding of different cultural communities
  • Enhanced interest in global issues as well as a broader understanding of the wider world
  • Encourage small-scale lifestyle changes
  • Enhance pupils’ awareness and interactions with diversity to support mutual respect
  • Support specific areas of the curriculum and build on classroom experience
  • Increase the profile of MFL in Curwen
  • Develop the use of Spanish into a daily school practice
  • Achieve language acquisition through practical immersion
  • Incorporate the use of Spanish in Cross-curricular activities
  • Develop a sense of achievement through their interaction with Spanish children
  • Set up the foundation to embark Curwen on an international adventure 

The Impact

Children at Curwen deserve every opportunity to expand their horizons and outlook in order to gain the best possible start in life. Many of our children have not left Plaistow/London let alone the country. This trip will enable our children, in a safe and educational manner, to gain a greater understanding of different cultures and traditions of another country. Not only will it feed their curious minds but enhance their appreciation of travel, demonstrating to them that there are opportunities and prospects outside of Plaistow/London/UK. Not only will it build their independence and resilience but as residential trips to places such as Fair Play House have shown, it will build their self-confidence and will also inspire children in future year groups to share similar experiences. Studies show that one of the best ways to improve one’s language acquisition (NC requirement - MFL) is to immerse oneself in that environment and culture. What better place to improve their Spanish than in Spain itself? We hope that a trip like this will improve the speaking and listening skills of those involved whilst giving each individual an experience of a lifetime.

About Cuellar

  • A small rural village
  • It is 165 km from Madrid airport
  • Only 3 primary schools
  • Lots of historical architecture
  • Strong Spain heritage
  • Villager live by an authentic Spanish culture 

Why Cuellar

  • Curwen and Santa Clara have built strong links over the past 2 years
  • Have visited Curwen TWICE
  • Pupils are familiar with both the teachers and the pupils
  • Summer holiday club activities

Santa Clara Primary School

  • It is a community school like Curwen
  • 350 pupils
  • It is a British council school
  • They have visited Curwen 2 years
  • Their next visit is 12th to 16th June 2017
  • Activities & trips with pupils from both schools


  • We will travel by coach to and from airports
  • 30 Children and 6 adults
  • From Stansted airport to Madrid Airport the flight will take just under 2 hours


Albergue de la Magdalena
Cuéllar – Segovia

  • Full board
  • Exclusive usage of facilities
  • Packed Lunches provided
  • No Halal -  Lots of vegetarian options
  • Dormitory accommodation