Summer upate
Learning about the stone age and vistiing the Roald Dhal museum
In Year 3 this term, we have been learning about the Stone Age. We had a really exciting visit from a man, who told us all about the Stone Age. We experienced life as Stone Age people, learnt about the tools used during this time and created our own Stone Henge models. We also met a huge woolly mammoth and we were taught how it would have been hunted it.
For our homework we made costumes to wear on the Stone Age day. We also made different models to show different parts of Stone Age life.
We also went to visit the Roald Dahl museum. We travelled by coach to Great Missenden, this is where Roald Dahl lived and gathered his inspiration for his books. We went on a walk around the village; we saw the library where Matilda was based, the garage where Danny Champion of the world was set and Sophie’s bedroom from The BFG. Inside the museum, we saw the writing shed where Roald Dahl spent a large amount of his time. He had some interesting objects on his desk including: some shavings from his spine, one of his hip bones from when he had his hip replaced and many more interesting objects.
Another activity that we completed was creating our own characters using dressing up clothes.